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lard (verb), lards; larded; larding
1. To insert strips of fat or bacon in other meat before cooking: Mary larded the beef before putting it into the oven.
2. To smear or to cover food with lard or fat, usually to prevent it from drying out during storage: At the little shop at the farm, Jack told the customer that the cheese had been larded first in order for it to develop its flavor.
3. To embellish or to make a speech or writing more interesting with a variety of expressions: Mike's speech was larded with quotations from from famous authors.
4. To present or to excessively include a great deal: The pages of the politician's written speech were larded with many corrections and deletions before he finally had what he wanted to present to his audience.
2. To smear or to cover food with lard or fat, usually to prevent it from drying out during storage: At the little shop at the farm, Jack told the customer that the cheese had been larded first in order for it to develop its flavor.
3. To embellish or to make a speech or writing more interesting with a variety of expressions: Mike's speech was larded with quotations from from famous authors.
4. To present or to excessively include a great deal: The pages of the politician's written speech were larded with many corrections and deletions before he finally had what he wanted to present to his audience.