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1. A passionate or emotional expression of sorrow or grief: Jim requested the pastor to have a special song to be sung by the church choir that expressed his laments during his mother's funeral.
2. A presentation of regret or disappointment; a complaint: Dorothy let the store know with her laments about the poor quality of the food mixer that she had purchased a week ago.
2. A presentation of regret or disappointment; a complaint: Dorothy let the store know with her laments about the poor quality of the food mixer that she had purchased a week ago.
lament (luh MENT) (verb), laments; lamented; lamenting
To mourn or to express regret about a loss or death of someone: Henry and Sally were lamenting with great sorrow and tears about the death of their little son who was run over by a car while he was crossing a street.
Units related to:
(Latin: weeping, wailing, moaning; expressing sorrow, grief; strong disappointment, complaint)
(Latin: pertaining to mourning, mournful, painful; lament, bewail)
(Latin: complain, complaint, full of complaints; lack of satisfaction; lament, cry of sorrow and grief)
(Greek > Latin: strike, stroke, blow, wound; beat the chest; lament loudly [while beating the chest]; pestilence)
(Latin: to weep, to cry out, to bewail, to lament,)
Word Entries at Get Words:
Latin: weeping, wailing, moaning; expressing sorrow, grief; strong disappointment, complaint; in this unit.
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