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(Old English: -leas, from leas, "free from, devoid of, false, feigned"; suffix meaning "lacking")
(Greek, elleipsis, elleipo, elleipein; Latin, ellipsis: abandon, to leave [behind]; fail; lack, lacking; be wanting)
(Latin: to be dry; lacking enough water for things to grow, dry and barren; by extension, not interesting, lifeless, dull)
Word Entries at Get Words:
lack (verb), lacks; lacked; lacking
1. To not have enough of something that is desired: The author's book lacks proper structure or interest.
3. To fall short by a small amount: Barbara was lacking just ten cents of having the full amount to pay for the magazine that she wanted to buy.
The mother lacks the money that is needed to buy new shoes for her children.
2. To have too little of something: What Michael lacks in patience, he makes up for it in determination.3. To fall short by a small amount: Barbara was lacking just ten cents of having the full amount to pay for the magazine that she wanted to buy.
lacking (adjective), more lacking, most lacking
1. A descriptive term for inadequate qualifications: Shauna was told that she was lacking experience and training so she would be disqualified for the job she was seeking.
2. A reference to something that is necessary but which is nonexistent or completely missing: Mildred was lacking in stamina which hampered her from completing the marathon.
2. A reference to something that is necessary but which is nonexistent or completely missing: Mildred was lacking in stamina which hampered her from completing the marathon.