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“labor omnia vincit”
Labor omnia vincit.
Perseverance [Work] overcomes all difficulties.
Motto of Centenary College of Louisiana, Shreveport, Louisiana, USA; and the State of Oklahoma, USA.
The phrase/motto is a shortened form of Virgil's statement in his Georgics: Labor omnia vicit improbus, "Never-ending work conquered all things."
It is said that Virgil was describing the harshness of life following the Golden Age, when the earth had yielded its fruits without labor. Jupiter then decided to change everything, making life hard so mankind would learn and become independent.
This entry is located in the following units:
labor-, laborat-
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Latin Proverbs, Mottoes, Phrases, and Words: Group L
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omni-, omn-
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vinc-, vict-, -vince, -vincible, -vincibility +
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