You searched for:
Immediately adjacent; lying next to.
This entry is located in the following unit:
juxta-, juxt- +
(page 1)
(Latin: beside; close by, close to, near; adjoining; proximity; to come together, to meet)
Word Entries containing the term:
juxtaampullary, juxta-ampullary
Situated by the side of an ampulla.
juxtaarticular, juxta-articular (adjective); more juxtaarticular, more juxta-articular; ; most juxtaarticular, most juxta-articular
Descriptive of being situated around or near a joint.
This entry is located in the following units:
articul-, artic-
(page 2)
juxta-, juxt- +
(page 1)
(page 6)