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joust (s), jousts (pl) (nouns)
1. A real or a simulated fight in which two knights on horseback ride toward each other and try to force the other one of his horse with lances or other weapons: "The knights were competing in a joust for a special prize of money and recognition by the king."
2. A personal competition, combat, or struggle; now, usually a verbal one; especially, for power or control: "He was a politician who enjoyed a joust with his political opponents."
2. A personal competition, combat, or struggle; now, usually a verbal one; especially, for power or control: "He was a politician who enjoyed a joust with his political opponents."
"The candidates were seen in several jousts with each other on TV as they tried to gain their party's nomination for president."
This entry is located in the following unit:
juxta-, juxt- +
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joust, jousts, jousted, jousting (verbs)
1. To fight on horseback or combat with lances; to tilt with blunted lances: "The knights jousted against each other in competition for the prize."
2. To engage in a personal combat or competition or to argue with each oher: "There was a lot of jousting between the lawyers at the trial."
2. To engage in a personal combat or competition or to argue with each oher: "There was a lot of jousting between the lawyers at the trial."
"The congressional candidates were jousting with each other several times in a televised debates."
3. Etymology: from Old French joster, "to joust, to tilt"; from Vulgar (Common) Latin juxtare "to approach, to come together, to meet"; originally, "to be next to"; from Latin juxta, "beside, near" and related to jungere, "to join".
This entry is located in the following unit:
juxta-, juxt- +
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