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The name of an ancient Italian deity, regarded as the doorkeeper of heaven, as guardian of doors and gates, and as presiding over the entrance upon or beginning of things; represented with a face on the front and another on the back of his head; the doors of his temple in the Roman Forum were always open in time of war, and shut in time of peace.
This entry is located in the following unit:
jani-, Janus
(page 1)
Portals and Beginnings and Endings: Janus
Greek: (no equivalent god)
Latin: Janus (god)
Latin: Janus (god)
This entry is located in the following unit:
gods and goddesses from Greek and Latin Myths
(page 2)
A unit related to:
(Latin: door, entrance; gate)
(contronyms or words which have definitions that are self-antonyms; that is, which have two meanings that are the opposites of each other)