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1. An act or process of causing water to flow by mechanical distribution; usually, on agricultural land with ditches, or artificial canals, etc.: "Farmers in dry areas use irrigation to grow food crops."
2. A medical system of washing out a part of the body; such as, a cavity or a wound in order to clean it for further medical treatment: "One example is colonic irrigation and another one is the irrigation of an open wound before the doctor proceeds with additional treatments."
2. A medical system of washing out a part of the body; such as, a cavity or a wound in order to clean it for further medical treatment: "One example is colonic irrigation and another one is the irrigation of an open wound before the doctor proceeds with additional treatments."

A unit related to:
(Greek: wash, a washing; washtub, basin; by extension, irrigate, irrigation)
Word Entries containing the term:
nasal irrigation
A method for diminishing nasal irritation.
Nasal irrigation is a procedure that uses a saline (salt) solution to cleanse the nasal passages by forcing a solution of salty water into the nose to clean out the sinuses.
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Dictionary with a Touch of Humor
(page 6)