You searched for: “interaction
interaction (s) (noun), interactions (pl)
1. The effect which arises when two or more events or items act upon each other and therefore produce a new effect: Dr. Small told Jenifer to be mindful of the interaction between the two medications she was to take.
2. The spoken communication or discourse between people: At the dinner party, Mrs. Black was pleased with the interaction among the guests.
This entry is located in the following units: ag-, agen-, act-, agi-, agit- (page 11) inter-, intero- (page 1)
Word Entries containing the term: “interaction
allosteric effect, allosteric interaction (s) (noun); allosteric effects; allosteric interactions (pl)
A change in the behavior of one part of a molecule: Judy read that an allosteric effect could be brought about by an alteration in another part of the molecule.
This entry is located in the following unit: allo-, all- (page 10)
electromagnetic interaction
1. A long-range force involving the electric and magnetic properties of elementary particles.
2. The interaction caused by elementary particles that results from the coupling of charge to the electromagnetic field.
3. The interaction due to electric charge; this includes magnetic effects that have to do with moving electric charges.
4. An interaction between charged elementary particles which is intermediate in strength between the strong and weak interactions.
This entry is located in the following unit: electro-, electr-, electri- (page 39)
electroweak interaction
One of the three basic forces of nature, along with the strong nuclear interaction and the gravitational interaction.

The terms "force" and "interaction between particles" are used interchangeably in this context.

All of the known forces; such as, atomic, nuclear, chemical, or mechanical forces, are examples of one of the three basic interactions.

This entry is located in the following unit: electro-, electr-, electri- (page 91)
ion-solid interaction
1. The interaction of an energetic ion colliding with condensed matter, resulting in an elastic or inelastic ion colliding with condensed matter, resulting in elastic or inelastic scattering of the ions, the release of atoms from the target, emission of photons, ionization of target atoms, or ion implantations.
2. An atomic process that occurs as a result of the collision of energetic ions, atoms, or molecules with condensed matter.
This entry is located in the following unit: ion, ion- + (page 9)
neutral current interaction
In particle physics, a weak interaction in which no electric charge is exchanged between the colliding particles.
This entry is located in the following unit: neutro-, neuter-, neutr-, neut- + (page 1)
sensory interaction (s) (noun), sensory interactions (pl)
The principle that one stimulus can influence another one: There are sensory interactions that exist with our bodily functions, such as smell plus texture plus taste equals flavor.

When people hold their noses and close their eyes, and have others feed them various foods, their sensory interactions can cause a slice of apple to be indistinguishable from a chunk of raw potato, a piece of steak may taste like cardboard, and without their odors, a cup of cold coffee can be hard to distinguish from a glass of red wine.

Sensory interaction also influences how well people hear, such as those with hearing losses watching a video with captioning have no trouble hearing the words they are seeing, but when the captioning is turned off, they suddenly realize that they need it.

—Compiled from excerpts located in
Psychology, 9th edition; by David G. Myers;
Worth Publishers; New York; 2010; 259-260.
This entry is located in the following unit: senso-, sens-, sensi-, sensori-, sent- (page 8)