The interface of printed pages and the colored illustrations made the book very interesting.
You may see many more examples of the prefix inter- at this link.
The medical intern was assigned to inter a cadaver that had inturn feet.
Who is she that hides her head in the clouds? The line is from Virgil, who had the personified Fame in mind as the subject of the verb condit. For most people, fame never emerges from behind the clouds; instead, most people labor in obscurity, waiting for their few minutes of fame that never comes.
A kind of trust created during the lifetime of the trustor. This legal phrase is also used to designate a gift that is given by one living person to another, taking effect during their life-times.
The winner of the intramural sports competition at each of the universities then played an inter-mural game to determine the overall championship.
Horace reminds us that general wealth in a society does not mean that everyone shares in it. So much for trickle-down economics.
Many things can go wrong at the last moment.
Motto of Columbus College, Columbus, Georgia, USA.
Motto of King Otto IV of Brunswick, Germany (1198-1215).