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1. Unlimited space, time, distance, quantity, etc.; extending beyond any measure or comprehension; without beginning or end; endless: Beyond the Earth we find infinity.
2. Very great; vast; immense: such as, space or time: Outer space provides an infinity of stars.
3. In mathematics, the concept of being unlimited by always being larger than any imposed value or boundary: Infinity exists beyond or is greater than any arbitrarily large value.
4. In photography, a distance setting, as on a camera, beyond which the entire field is in focus: Shirley set the lens on her camera to infinity so objects at a distance would be in focus.
2. Very great; vast; immense: such as, space or time: Outer space provides an infinity of stars.
3. In mathematics, the concept of being unlimited by always being larger than any imposed value or boundary: Infinity exists beyond or is greater than any arbitrarily large value.
4. In photography, a distance setting, as on a camera, beyond which the entire field is in focus: Shirley set the lens on her camera to infinity so objects at a distance would be in focus.