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1. A single person or someone who is considered separate from the rest of a group: An opposing political organization is against the government action which diminishes the rights of the individual supposedly for the public good.
4. Etymology: a single thing; later, a single person; from Medieval Latin individualis; from Latin individuus, "inseparable" (in, "not" + dividuus, "divisible"; from dividere, "to divide").
Everyone deserves to be recognized as an individual.
2. A particular person: Fay is a very talented individual who is striving to improve her education and practical experiences in order to enhance her professional career.Helena asked Bruce if he was the individual that she had spoken to on the phone.
3. A sole member of part of a unit: The markings on the fingers, or finger prints, are unique to each individual.4. Etymology: a single thing; later, a single person; from Medieval Latin individualis; from Latin individuus, "inseparable" (in, "not" + dividuus, "divisible"; from dividere, "to divide").
This entry is located in the following unit:
divid-, divis-
(page 2)
individual (adjective), more individual, most individual
1. Relating to or existing as one affiliate or part of a larger association: Lorna's doctor carefully evaluated her individual needs before the operation.
The educational institution was making every effort to provide as much individual attention for students as possible.
The school has made arrangements so students can apply for more individual tutoring, if they want it.
The author divided the book into individual chapters.
2. Intended or designed for one person: The waitress served individual choices of deserts to the diners.
This entry is located in the following unit:
divid-, divis-
(page 2)

Units related to:
(Greek: a being, individual; being, existence)
(Latin: individual; not in public life; apart from the State; belonging to an individual)
(Greek mikso > Latin mixtus: mix, mixed, a mixing, a mingling, an intercourse; to combine or to blend into one mass or substance; to combine things; such as, activities, ideas, styles; to balance and to adjust individual musical performers’ parts to make an overall sound by electronic means)
Word Entries containing the term:
individual person
This entry is located in the following unit:
Pleonasms or Tautological Redundancies
(page 11)
personal individual
This entry is located in the following unit:
Pleonasms or Tautological Redundancies
(page 17)