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indefatigable (in" di FAT i guh buhl) (adjective), more indefatigable, most indefatigable
1. Relating to a person who never shows any indications of getting tired: Despite the fact that Frank had to work overtime to finish his project, physically he was in an indefatigable condition when he went home.
3. Etymology: from Latin indefatigabilis; from in-, "not" + de-, "away, completely" + fatigare, "to wear out".

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An indefatigable employee keeps on working until his job is done.
2. Characteristic of someone who is extremely persistent, untiring, and inexhaustible: The race car mechanics had indefatigable determinations as they strived to make the vehicles ready for tomorrow's competition.3. Etymology: from Latin indefatigabilis; from in-, "not" + de-, "away, completely" + fatigare, "to wear out".