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This entry is located in the following unit:
ple-, pleini-, plen-, plet-
(page 3)
Units related to:
(Greek: imperfect, incomplete)
(Greek: part, partial, referring to parts; segment; incomplete)
(Latin: something that is inferior, small, or shallow; expressing incomplete resemblance)
(Greek: windpipe or one of the two large branches of the trachea, the tube in air-breathing vertebrates that conducts air from the throat to the bronchi, strengthened by incomplete rings of cartilage)
Word Entries containing the term:
blind fistula, incomplete fistula
A fistula that ends in a cul-de-sac (blind pouch or tubular cavity closed at one end), being open at one extremity only.
This entry is located in the following unit:
fistul-, fistulo-, fistuli- +
(page 1)
incomplete hemianopia
Blindness in less than half of the visual field of each eye.
This entry is located in the following unit:
op-, opt-, optico-, opsi-, opso-, -opia, -ops, -opsia, -opsis, -opsy, -optic, -opic, -opy
(page 5)