You searched for: “incompetence
incompetence (s) (noun) (no plural)
1. The lack of physical or intellectual ability or qualifications to succeed with a project.
2. The quality or situation in which a person is lacking a qualification or an ability to do something; incapable; inadequate for or unsuited for a particular purpose or application.
3. Etymology: from French incompétence, from in-, "not, opposite of, without" + compétence, from competens, competere, "to strive in common"; in classical Latin "to come together, to agree, to be qualified"; later it came to mean, "strive together"; from com-, "together" + petere, "to strive, to seek, to fall upon, to rush at, to attack".
This entry is located in the following units: peti-, pet-, -pit- (page 3) Quotes: Competence, Incompetence (page 1)
incompetence, incompetents
incompetence (in KAHM pi tuhns) (noun)
Behavior that is characterized by being inadequate or unsuitable for effective action: Kelsey's glaring incompetence caused a significant delay in completing the project.
incompetents (in KAHM pi tuhnts) (noun)
Individuals who are unsuitable for a specific task: Bernhard was disturbed by the incompetents that the employment agency sent to him.

The incompetence of the incumbent incompetents is truly amazing.

Quotes: Competence, Incompetence
Capable of getting it right: competence quotes.
This entry is located in the following units: peti-, pet-, -pit- (page 5) Quotes: Quotations Units (page 2)
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(Ludicrous-English Caused by Blunders and Incompetence)
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(slip-ups, goofs, flubs, and other blunders in many areas of communication; examples of language incompetence)
Word Entries containing the term: “incompetence
aortic regurgitation (s) (noun), aortic regurgitations (pl) aortic insufficieny, aortic incompetence
A back flow of blood into the left ventricle through or around an abnormal or prosthetic (replaced, incompetent) aortic valve as a result of surgery.
This entry is located in the following unit: gurgit-, gurg- (page 1)