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inactive (adjective), more inactive, most inactive
1. Regarding something that is temporarily or permanently not operating: Lynn's user account is inactive at the moment, and if she doesn't use it within a certain amount of time it will be deleted.
2. Concerning a person or animal that is not taking part in a physical pursuit: Some animals are inactive in the winter and hibernate until spring time.
3. Referring to a person who is retired from his or her job: When Mrs. Low turned 62, she decided to be pensioned off or become inactive in her place of work.
2. Concerning a person or animal that is not taking part in a physical pursuit: Some animals are inactive in the winter and hibernate until spring time.
3. Referring to a person who is retired from his or her job: When Mrs. Low turned 62, she decided to be pensioned off or become inactive in her place of work.
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(Greek: argus, neutral, inactive, idle, inert; gas)
(Latin: winter, wintered, wintry; it also refers to: sleep, sleeping; inactive, inactivity; dormant, dormancy [suspended animation or a lack of activity])
(Greek > Latin: lie hidden, secret; forgetfulness, forget, inactive through forgetfulness; also sleepy, drowsy, dull, sluggish)
(Latin: animating, enlivening; vigorous, vigor, active; to be alive, activity, to quicken; then a quickening action of growing; a specific sense of "plant cultivated for food, edible herb, or root" is first recorded in 1767; the differences between the meanings from its original links with "life, liveliness" was completed in the early twentieth century, when vegetable came to be used for an "inactive person".)