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impotent (adjective), more impotent, most impotent
1. Referring to the lack of physical strength or vigor; weak; feeble: An individual who is impotent can be described as being fragile and infirm.
2. Concerning the deficiency in power as to act effectively; helpless: "Technology without morality is barbarous; morality without technology is impotent." (Freeman J. Dyson)
3. Pertaining to a man who is incapable of sexual intercourse: An impotent male cannot achieve or sustain an erection during intercourse.
4. In the past, descriptive of the inadequacy of self-restraint: A person who was impotent lacked self-control or was uninhibited.
2. Concerning the deficiency in power as to act effectively; helpless: "Technology without morality is barbarous; morality without technology is impotent." (Freeman J. Dyson)
3. Pertaining to a man who is incapable of sexual intercourse: An impotent male cannot achieve or sustain an erection during intercourse.
4. In the past, descriptive of the inadequacy of self-restraint: A person who was impotent lacked self-control or was uninhibited.
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poten-, pot-, poss-, -potent, -potence, -potency, -potential +
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Someone who is distinguished and well known.
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Medical Terms from a Different Perspective
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