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imitate (verb), imitates; imitated; imitating
1. To do, or to try to do, after the manner of someone else; to try to be the same as.
2. To mimic; counterfeit; such as, a tone of voice.
3. To make a copy, or reproduction of; to duplicate.
4. To use as a pattern or a model.
5. To assume the appearance of; to look like.
2. To mimic; counterfeit; such as, a tone of voice.
3. To make a copy, or reproduction of; to duplicate.
4. To use as a pattern or a model.
5. To assume the appearance of; to look like.

A unit related to:
(Latin: striving to equal; rivaling or competing with; imitate, imitating; trying to do something as well as or better than another system, person, or other people)
Word Entries containing the term:
Biomimetics: Imitating Biological Processes
Perspectives about how some scientists are utilizing the forces of nature through biomimetics or biomimesis; that is, mimicking nature with technology.
Don't confuse this field of science with a similar term known as biometrics.
This entry is located in the following units:
bio-, bi-, -bia, -bial, -bian, -bion, -biont, -bius, -biosis, -bium, -biotic, -biotical
(page 23)
Biomimetics: Index of Natural Imitations
(page 1)
mimo-, mim-, -mimesis, -mimia, -mimetic, -mime, -mimic, -mimical, -mimically
(page 1)