2. In physics, an optically formed duplicate, counterpart, or other representative reproduction of an object, especially an optical reproduction formed by a lens or mirror.
3. One that closely or exactly resembles another; a double: "He is the image of his uncle."
4. The opinion or concept of something that is held by the public.
5. The character projected to the public, as by a person or institution, especially as interpreted by the mass media.
6. A personification of something specified: "That child is the image of good health."
7. A mental picture of something not real or present.
8. A vivid description or representation.
9. A figure of speech, especially a metaphor or simile.
10. A concrete representation, as in art, literature, or music, that is expressive or evocative of something else: "The night is considered an image of death by some people."
11. In Computer Science, an exact replica of the contents of a storage device; such as, a hard disk, stored on a second storage device or a network server."

2. The inability to localize and name the parts of one's own body; finger agnosia would be autotopagnosia restricted to the fingers.
3. A disorder of the body image, because of a lesion of the parietal cortex in the nondominant hemisphere or organic brain damage, characterized by an inability to relate the parts of one's own body to extrapersonal space often with the consequent loss of topographical orientation.
Sometimes the affected individual is also unable to identify and interrelate to the parts of the body of another individual or even with a model.
2. An electric charge measured from an arbitrary reference line which is used in finding the electric field set up by fixed electric charges in the area of a conductor.
The electric conductor, with its distribution of induced surface charges, is replaced by one or more of these fictitious charges.
2. A representation of an object formed by a beam of electrons focused by an electron optical system.
3. An image formed in a stream of electrons.
The electron density in a cross section of the stream is at each point proportional to the brightness of the corresponding point in an optical image.
2. An electron tube which reproduces on its fluorescent screen an image of the optical image or other irradiation pattern arriving at or striking its photosensitive surface.
3. A cathode-ray tube that has a photoemissive mosaic upon which an optical image is projected, and an electron gun to scan the mosaic and to convert the optical image into a corresponding electrical current.

Mickey Bach was a cartoonist and a lettering man. He graduated from Wisconsin in 1933, and he had six years of newspaper experience as an artist and a writer.
Uncle Sam "put his finger on him" in 1941 and he "graduated" from the military on December, 1945, with the rank of Captain.
He was known to have contributed a great deal to the contents of many articles in newspapers and was a famous person for many publishers during his life time.
Word Image, Polygamy Quiz.
This detector is a four-stage, magnetically-focused image intensifier, coupled via a lens to a plumbicon television camera tube.
A plumbicon is the development of the vidicon television camera tube in which the photosensitive material is lead oxide.
A plumbicon is a registered trademark of Philips for its Lead Oxide (PbO) target vidicons or camera tubes in which a charge-density patterns are formed by photoconduction and stored on photoconductor surfaces that are scanned by electron beams; usually, of low-velocity electrons; used chiefly in industrial television cameras.
The resulting emitted electrons are accelerated within the evacuated tube by a very high voltage.
Image intensifiers are used in many instruments; such as, cameras, spectrographs, and acquisition and guidance systems.