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iatrochemistry, iatrochemical, chemiatry
1. A school of medicine active from 1525 to 1660; it theorized that life, health, and disease were the result of chemical balances, and that disease was to be treated chemically. Its most famous members were Paracelsus, J.B. van Helmont, and de la Boë Sylvius.
2. The study of chemistry in relation to physiologic and pathologic processes, and the treatment of disease by chemical substance as practiced by a school of medical thought in the 17th century.
3. Denoting a school of medicine practicing iatrochemistry.
2. The study of chemistry in relation to physiologic and pathologic processes, and the treatment of disease by chemical substance as practiced by a school of medical thought in the 17th century.
3. Denoting a school of medicine practicing iatrochemistry.
Science is a flickering light in our darkness, it is but the only one we have and woe to him who would put it out.
This entry is located in the following units:
chemo-, chem-, chemico-, chemi-, -chemist, -chemic, -chemical +
(page 6)
iatro-, iater-, -iatria, -iatric, -iatrician, -iatrics, -iatrist, -iatry; -iatricians, -iatrists, -iatries +
(page 4)