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(Greek > Latin: together, in one, as a single word)
Word Entries at Get Words:
The hyphen unit of punctuation marks.
This entry is located in the following unit:
Index of Punctuation Marks
(page 1)
A mark, -, that is used between the parts of a compound word, a name, or between the syllables of a word; especially, when it is divided at the end of a line of text.
This entry is located in the following unit:
Punctuation Marks with Symbols, Explanations, and Examples
(page 1)
(hyphens as punctuation marks)
Word Entries at Get Words containing the term:
The Hyphen -
Rated high is the hy-
Phen, a mark that's divine
When divid-
Ing a word
At the end of a line.
The hyphen itself is a line, like the dash.
It's an ex-dash, perhaps,
That got caught in the crash
And the clash and the mash
Of two close-pressing words
And was squeezed until shorter
By fully two thirds.
The dash is a wedge
But the hyphen's like glue,
Sticking this word to that,
Making one word of two.
It fixes prefixes
Like anti- and pro-
And fashions such phrases
As to-and-fro.
The dash may be longer, more dashing, exciting,
But the hy-
Phen's more use-
Ful in read-
Ing and writ-