You searched for: “humor
humor, humour (British)
1. A comic, absurd, or incongruous quality causing amusement.
2. That which is intended to induce laughter or amusement: a writer skilled at crafting humor.
3. The ability to perceive, enjoy, or express what is amusing, comical, incongruous, or absurd.
4. Etymology: from 1340, "fluid" or "juice of an animal or plant", from Anglo-Norman humour, from Old French humor, from Latin umor, "body fluid"; related to umere, "be wet, moist", and to uvescere, "become wet".

In ancient and medieval physiology, "any of the four body fluids" (blood, phlegm, choler, and melancholy or black bile) whose relative proportions were thought to determine the state of people's minds.

This led to a sense of "mood" or "temporary state of mind"; the sense of "amusing quality, funny" is first recorded in 1682, probably by way of the sense of "whim, caprice", which also produced the verb sense of "indulge".

This entry is located in the following units: humid-, humor- + (page 1) -or; -our (primarily British) (page 7) Quotes: Humor, Wit (page 1)
Quotes: Humor, Wit
Re-writing old jokes: humor quotes.
This entry is located in the following units: humid-, humor- + (page 2) Quotes: Quotations Units (page 4)
More possibly related word entries
A unit related to: “humor
(re-writing old jokes)
(enjoying words with special points of view, sometimes humorous, and which are not found in a "regular" dictionary)
(Latin: moist, moisture, wet, damp)
(Greek: glass, glassy; transparent; pertaining to the vitreous humor or surrounding membrane)
(Latin: joke, joking, jesting, humorous; cheerful and full of good humor)
(a form of word humor when people fiddle with words and laugh at the resultant loony tunes: Considered by some to be the lowest form of humus, earthy wit that we all dig and often respond to with groans and moans)
(a form of word humor when people fiddle with words and laugh at the resultant loony tunes; considered by some to be the lowest form of humus, earthy wit, that we all dig and often respond to with groans and moans)
Word Entries containing the term: “humor
vitreous humor, vitreous body
1. The transparent, jellylike material that fills the eyeball between the retina and the lens.
2. The transparent gelatinous substance filling the eyeball behind the crystalline lens.

The vitreous humor contains very few cells; mostly phagocytes which remove unwanted cellular debris in the visual field), no blood vessels, and 99% of its volume is water with salts, sugars, and a network of collagen fibers with hyaluronic acid accounting for the rest; however, the vitreous has a viscosity two to four times that of pure water, giving it a gelatinous consistency.

Hyaluronic acid is a complex viscous substance that lubricates joints in the body and is present in connective tissue. It also plays a role in the healing of wounds.

This entry is located in the following units: humid-, humor- + (page 2) vitreo-, vitre-, vitr- + (page 2)
Word Entries at Get Words containing the term: “humor
aqueous humor (s) (noun), aqueous humors (pl)
The watery fluid found in the chamber between the cornea and lens of the vertebrate eye (any animal that possesses a backbone and eyes): A critical decrease of aqueous humor flow in the eye can be caused by a vasoconstriction.

Similar to blood plasma in composition, aqueous humor is constantly being renewed.

This entry is located in the following unit: Anatomy and Related Anatomical Terms (page 3)
Dictionary with a Touch of Humor
Enjoying words with special points of view, sometimes humorous, and which are not found in a "regular" dictionary unit.