You searched for: “hemianopia
half vision, hemianopia
1. The blindness in one half of the visual field of one or both eyes; usually applied to bilateral defects caused by a single lesion.
2. Bilateral or unilateral blindness in one-half of the field of vision; half blindness.
hemianopsia, hemianopia, hemiamaurosis, hemiamblyopia
1. Defective vision, or blindness, in half of the visual field; usually applied to bilateral defects caused by a single lesion.
2. Any of several conditions in which there is blindness in half of the visual field, involving one or both eyes.
Word Entries containing the term: “hemianopia
altitudinal hemianopia
Blindness in the upper or lower half of the visual field of one or both eyes.
binasal hemianopia
Blindness in the nasal half of the visual field in each eye.
bitemporal hemianopia
Blindness in the temporal half of the visual field in each eye.

The temporal halves are located on each side of the head, back of the eyes and forehead, above the zygomatic arch and in front of the ears.

complete hemianopia
Blindness in half the visual field.
crossed hemianopia (s) (noun), crossed hemianopias (pl)
Defective vision or blindness in half of the visual field of one or both eyes.
incomplete hemianopia
Blindness in less than half of the visual field of each eye.
quadrant hemianopia
Blindness of the symmetrical quadrant (one fourth) of the field of vison in each eye.
unilateral hemianopia
Hemianopsia affecting only one eye.