You searched for:
1. The general condition of the body or mind with reference to soundness and vigor: "She would go through various phases of good health and poor health."
2. Soundness of body or mind; freedom from disease or ailment: to have one's health; to lose one's health.
3. The condition of an organism with respect to the performance of its vital functions especially as evaluated subjectively or nonprofessionally: "How is your health these days?"
4. To have vigor and vitality; such as, economic health or even physical health.
2. Soundness of body or mind; freedom from disease or ailment: to have one's health; to lose one's health.
3. The condition of an organism with respect to the performance of its vital functions especially as evaluated subjectively or nonprofessionally: "How is your health these days?"
4. To have vigor and vitality; such as, economic health or even physical health.
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Quotes: Health
(page 1)
Health: Air Purification
The challenges of indoor air pollution.
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Health: Index of Articles
(page 1)
Health: Alcohol and Brain Alterations
The dangers of alcohol to the brain and bodily functions.
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alcoholo-, alcohol-, alcoho-
(page 3)
Health: Index of Articles
(page 1)
Health: Alcohol and Brain Alterations: Hygeia
Greek: Hygeia (goddess)
Latin: (no equivalent)
Latin: (no equivalent)
Various spellings: Hygeia, Hygea, Hygia; personification of health and healthy. We now have the derived word hygiene, the science of health, pertaining to health, healthful, living well; the science that deals with the upkeep of health; system of principles or rules for preserving and/or promoting health.

This entry is located in the following units:
alcoholo-, alcohol-, alcoho-
(page 3)
gods and goddesses from Greek and Latin Myths
(page 1)
Health: Bad Breath
Causes of Bad Breath bad breath.
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Health: Index of Articles
(page 1)
Health: Oxytocin Is Found to Have Benefits
Inhaling oxytocin can result in positive reactions.
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Health: Index of Articles
(page 1)
Health: Pedicure and Bacterial Infection
Itching spots on legs have turned into ulcerated sores from some salons that have been using whirlpool spas that soothe feet prior to a pedicure.
This entry is located in the following units:
fac-, facil-, fact-, feas-, -feat, -fect, -feit, -facient, -faction, -fic-, -fy, -ficate, -fication
(page 16)
Health: Index of Articles
(page 1)
Health: Salmonella from Pets to Humans
Pets can transfer salmonella to humans.
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Health: Index of Articles
(page 1)
Health: Stress Considerations
How to deal with stress.
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Health: Index of Articles
(page 1)
Quotes: Health
What youths rarely think about and what elders are constantly reminded of: health quotes.
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Quotes: Quotations Units
(page 3)

Units related to:
(air purification in the home, business, school, and workplace)
(alcohol and its dangers to the brain and bodily functions)
(beating bad breath)
(special selections of presentations dealing with health)
(be aware of the effects of oxytocin in nasal sprays)
(itching spots on legs have turned into ulcerated sores)
(salmonella can be transferred to humans by pets)
(stress can be relieved)
(Greek: health, healthy, healthful, wholesome, sound [in body])
(what youths rarely think about and what elders are constantly reminded of . . . most of the time)
(Latin: greeting, good health; welfare, health)
(a bionic hand which is considered a next-generation prosthetic device which appeals to both patients and health care professionals)
(Part 4 of 4: smoking in public and the efforts to ban, or to restrict, second-hand smoke that threatens the lives of waiters, waitresses, and innocent customers so they don't have to suffer from the discomfort and health perils presented by smokers)
(Animal health and dung beetle health: they are both vital)
(Greek Goddess [Hygeia, Hygea, Hygia, Hygieia], the source of the word hygiene)
(therapeutic applications to the feet for greater health)
Word Entries containing the term:
health spa
Waist=treatment plant.
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Dictionary with a Touch of Humor
(page 5)
mediclaim, health insurance, medical insurance
1. Medical or health insurance which pays medical expenses for one's spouse, dependent children, and for one's own medical needs.
2. Medical Insurance, which is also known as mediclaim in which the policy holder is entitled to receive the amount spent for his health purposes from the insurance company.
3. Insurance that covers most serious medical expenses up to a maximum limit, usually after a deductible and co-insurance have been met.
3. A type of insurance coverage that pays for medical and surgical expenses that are incurred by the insured.
2. Medical Insurance, which is also known as mediclaim in which the policy holder is entitled to receive the amount spent for his health purposes from the insurance company.
3. Insurance that covers most serious medical expenses up to a maximum limit, usually after a deductible and co-insurance have been met.
3. A type of insurance coverage that pays for medical and surgical expenses that are incurred by the insured.
Health insurance has many relatives; such as, disability insurance, critical (catastophic) illness insurance, and long-term care (LTC) insurance.
4. Apparently, the term Mediclaim Insurance is used more often in India with the meaning of: Hospitalisation for illness, disease or accident, whether including surgery or not, which imposes a heavy financial burden on individuals, families, employers, and welfare bodies.
This entry is located in the following unit:
medico-, medic-, medi-, med-
(page 3)
(Egyptians suffered with a variety of physical complaints despite healthier habits among ancient nations)
(medical professionals and scientists who specialize in designated areas of medical care)
(leeches are bleeding their way back into the good graces of modern medical treatment as healers just as they did in ancient societies)
(the advantages of self determination in fulfilling your objectives and belief in your aspirations can improve your mental control and enhance your health)
Word Entries at Get Words containing the term:
Health Care Providers
Medical professionals and scientists who specialize in specific areas of medical care.
This entry is located in the following unit:
Index of Scientific and Technological Topics
(page 2)
Medicine, Leeching for Health
How leeches have played a part in medical treatments.
This entry is located in the following unit:
Index or Menu of Various Topics
(page 2)
The four greatest risks to your mental health
1. Excessive consumption of television.
2. Neglect of reading challenging materials.
3. Lack of stimulating conversation.
4. Avoidance of challenging word (vocabulary) acquisitions from a variety of perspectives.
2. Neglect of reading challenging materials.
3. Lack of stimulating conversation.
4. Avoidance of challenging word (vocabulary) acquisitions from a variety of perspectives.
Its not what you get, its what you keep that counts!
This entry is located in the following unit:
Focusing on Words Newsletter #08
(page 1)