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happen (verb), happens; happened; happening
1. To take place; especially, without being planned or organized: As the proverb stated, "accidents will happen".
In such bad weather conditions, many accidents are bound to happen, sooner or later.
2. Etymology: probaby from Old English happenen, "to come to pass, to occur by hap, "chance, fortune".(Latin: foreboding; anything perceived or happening that is believed to portend or to suggest that something is going to happen which may be a good or an evil event or circumstance in the future)
(something people get tired of hearing someone say, "I told you it would happen.")
Word Entries at Get Words:
happen (verb), happens; happened; happening
1. To take place or to occur; especially, without being planned: That kind of accident will happen when driving as fast as Steve usually does.
3. Used to express an angry or forceful statement: Jack said, "Well, Bonita, Louis happens to believe that the politician has been a lousy representative for our district!"
Mother asked, "Jimmy, what happened at school today? Did you happen to learn anything?"
2. To do or to be something by accident or by chance: Adele happened to overhear the doctor and the nurse talking about her accident.3. Used to express an angry or forceful statement: Jack said, "Well, Bonita, Louis happens to believe that the politician has been a lousy representative for our district!"
This entry is located in the following unit:
English Words in Action, Group H
(page 1)