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hallow, halo, hollow, hollow, holler
hallow (HAHL oh) (verb)
To set aside for sacred or holy use: The priest thought to hallow the land next to the church as a burial ground.
halo (HAY loh) (noun)
1. A nimbus of light surrounding a celestial object; such as, the sun, caused by the reflection of light on ice particles in the atmosphere: On some nights the moon seems to have a halo surrounding it.
2. A sense of idealized glory invested in a person: The woman who worked among the poor seemed almost to have a halo surrounding her.
2. A sense of idealized glory invested in a person: The woman who worked among the poor seemed almost to have a halo surrounding her.
hollow (HAHL oh) (adjective)
1. Referring to an empty space or cavity within an object: The tree was old and hollow.
2. Descriptive of a sound made by hitting or beating a object that has an empty space in it: Striking the hollow log created a hollow thud that seemed to echo.
3. Pertaining to an utterance which is empty and lacking in sincerity: Mildred gave a hollow promise to do all her homework.
2. Descriptive of a sound made by hitting or beating a object that has an empty space in it: Striking the hollow log created a hollow thud that seemed to echo.
3. Pertaining to an utterance which is empty and lacking in sincerity: Mildred gave a hollow promise to do all her homework.
hollow (HAHL oh) (noun)
A low or sunken space, often in a field: At the base of the hollow was a spring of water for the cattle.
holler (HAHL uhr) (verb)
To shout, to cry, or to call out: When James hit his thumb with the hammer, his first response was to holler in pain.
Lucinda and Keith stood at the edge of the hollow in the remote valley and tried to holler loudly so they could hear the echos of their voices.
While they were standing there, they saw a halo surrounding the moon which seemed to hallow the place where they were.
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Confusing Words Clarified: Group H; Homonyms, Homophones, Homographs, Synonyms, Polysemes, etc. +
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