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gynogenesis, gynogenetic
1. Reproduction in which the development of the embryo occurs as a result of the penetration of an ovum by a sperm but does not involve the nuclear material of the latter.
2. Egg development activated by a spermatozoon, but to which the male gamete contributes no genetic material.
3. The process in which an egg develops parthenogenetically after the egg has been activated by sperm or pollen; pseudogamy.
4. The development whereby the embryo contains only the female parent’s chromosomes because the sperm that activated the ovum degenerated before it could combine with the egg nucleus.
2. Egg development activated by a spermatozoon, but to which the male gamete contributes no genetic material.
3. The process in which an egg develops parthenogenetically after the egg has been activated by sperm or pollen; pseudogamy.
4. The development whereby the embryo contains only the female parent’s chromosomes because the sperm that activated the ovum degenerated before it could combine with the egg nucleus.
This entry is located in the following units:
geno-, gen-, genit-, gener-, -gen
(page 12)
gyno-, gyn-, gynaeco-, gyneco-, gyne-, -gynia, -gynic, gynec-, -gynist, -gynous, -gyny
(page 7)