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gynecomastia, gynecomasty, gynecomazia
1. Enlargement of the male breast, in a minority of cases accompanied by galactorrhea.
3. Also called mammary feminism (older term), gynecomasty (seldom used), gynecomastism (rarely used), gynecomazia (rarely used).
In a few cases, breast development is so marked as to require corrective mastectomy.
2. Excessive development of the male mammary glands, due mainly to ductal proliferation with periductal edema; frequently secondary to increased estrogen levels, but mild gynecomastia may occur in normal adolescence.3. Also called mammary feminism (older term), gynecomasty (seldom used), gynecomastism (rarely used), gynecomazia (rarely used).
This entry is located in the following units:
gyno-, gyn-, gynaeco-, gyneco-, gyne-, -gynia, -gynic, gynec-, -gynist, -gynous, -gyny
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masto-, mast-, -mastia, -masty +
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The abnormal proliferation or enlargement of the glandular component of breast tissues in males: Gynecomazia is strictly a male disease and is any growth of the adipose (fatty) and glandular tissue in a male breast. Not all breast growth in men is considered abnormal, just excess growth.
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mazo-, -mazia
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