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Shorthand; a word represented by a single sign; also, a letter or character representing a word (more correctly called a logogram). Examples of grammalogues include: &, #, ©, ®, ¶, and @.
Although & is called an ampersand (meaning "and"), there is also a new symbol which is called a questpersand which is pronounced: "and?"
This entry is located in the following units:
gram-, -gram-, -gram, -grammatic, -grammatical, -grammatically, -gramme, -grammic +
(page 9)
logo-, log-, -logia, -logic, -logical, -logism, -logician, -logian, -logue
(page 3)
loqu-, -loquence, -loquent, -loquently, -loquy, -iloquent, -iloquently
(page 4)