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glacial, glacially
1. Relating to, referring to, or derived from a glacier.
2. Pertaining to those geological intervals characterized by cold climate conditions and advancing ice sheets and caps.
3. Suggestive of ice, extremely cold; frigid: such as, a glacial wind.
4. Devoid of warmth and cordiality: "He had a glacial handshake."
5. Coldly imperturbable: "She maintained a glacial calm despite all of the confusion."
6. A reference to a purity marked by the tendency to readily solidify in the form of ice-like crystals; such as, glacial acetic acid.
7. Relating to, or being any of those parts of geologic time from Precambrian onward when a much larger portion of the earth was covered by glaciers than at present.
8. Suggestive of the very slow movement of glaciers: "The congressional progress on the bill has been glacial."
2. Pertaining to those geological intervals characterized by cold climate conditions and advancing ice sheets and caps.
3. Suggestive of ice, extremely cold; frigid: such as, a glacial wind.
4. Devoid of warmth and cordiality: "He had a glacial handshake."
5. Coldly imperturbable: "She maintained a glacial calm despite all of the confusion."
6. A reference to a purity marked by the tendency to readily solidify in the form of ice-like crystals; such as, glacial acetic acid.
7. Relating to, or being any of those parts of geologic time from Precambrian onward when a much larger portion of the earth was covered by glaciers than at present.
8. Suggestive of the very slow movement of glaciers: "The congressional progress on the bill has been glacial."