2. In general, the terms geographic and geographical are interchangeable, and compound terms listed here as beginning with one form can also be written with the other form.
Plant geography has emphasized the mapping of such regions and the interpretation of the terms of environmental (ecological) influences.
The areas of phytogeography and zoogeography do not necessarily exist together in the same place, because there are barriers and factors that affect their growth and arrangements which are often different for plants and for animals.
This theory suggests that landscapes go through three stages of development (youth, maturity, and old age) and indicates that the rejuvenation of landscapes arises from tectonic uplift of the land.
In the "youthful stage", under the influence of tectonic uplifts, there appears a mountain relief, which is dissected through erosion (the washing out of rocks by rivers) into deep, narrow valleys and sharp-peaked ridges.
With the dissection by streams, the area would reach maturity and, ultimately, would be reduced to an old-age surface called a peneplain (gently undulating, almost featureless plain), with an elevation near sea level.
The model developed by Davis, though important in historical context, is currently considered only a first approximation.
Developments in the sciences of geology and geomorphology, especially the plate tectonics revolution of the 1960s and 1970s, have confirmed the preliminary nature of the model.
2. A computerized system which relates and displays data collected from a geographic entityto in the form of a map: A geographical information system overlays existing data with new information and displays it in color on a computer screen. It is used primarily to conduct analyses and make decisions related to geology, ecology, land use, demographics, transportation, and other domains, most of which relate to the human use of the physical environment.
Through this process of geocoding, the geographic data from a database is converted into images in the form of maps.
A geographical mile is a British unit of length equivalent to 1,853.18 meters (6,082 feet) , which was replaced by the international nautical mile in 1970.
It is also a unit of length in the US Customary System, used in air and sea navigation and equal to 6,076 feet or 2,025 yards (1,852 meters).
Arizona provides a geographic range for 13 different species of rattlesnakes.
2. The total area occupied by a population: Mr Straight asked the students to find out what groups of lifeforms would apply to the definition of geographic range.
3. The extreme distance at which an object or light can be seen when limited only by the curvature of the Earth and the heights of the object and the observer: The geographic range of light is dependent on the height of the light itself, the height of the observer's eyes, and the refraction of the atmosphere.
A geographical search can also be described as an orderly arrangement of lines in which an area is defined in relation to one or more geographical points on the Earth.
Geographical coordinates refer to a system of coordinates for locating a point in space by the length of its radius vector and the angles this vector makes with two perpendicular polar planes.