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generally (adverb)
A reference to something that is usual or without specific details or facts: "Generally speaking, the words in this dictionary are organized into families so the user can see groups of words that come from the same Latin or Greek source."
This entry is located in the following unit:
genus, genesis-, -gen, -gene, -genesis, -genetic, -genic, -geny, -genous
(page 4)
(Greek > Latin: suffix; from French -aque, or directly from Latin -acus, from Greek -akos forming adjectives. This suffix was used to form names of arts and sciences in Greek and it is now generally used to form new names of sciences in English; meanings, "related to, of the nature of, pertaining to, referring to")
(Greek: to smell; stink; generally used in a bad sense)
(Greek: a suffix referring to a device, tool, or instrument; more generally, used in the names of any kind of chamber or apparatus used in experiments)
A unit at Get Words related to:
(generally, flowering plants have special parts that make it possible for them to exist)
(generally a reference to indigenous people in general; being the first or earliest known of its kind present in a region: aboriginal forests, aboriginal rocks; of or relating to Aborigines or people of Australia)
(terms restricted to the study of social insects; such as, ants and words that apply generally to entomology)