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1. The product obtained by partial hydrolysis of collagen, occurring in sheets, flakes, shreds, or as a coarse or fine powder, insoluble in cold water but soluble in hot water: Gelatin is used in many pharmaceutical preparations, in formulations for histochemical examinations, as an ingredient of bacteriologic culture media, such as a food, as a plasma extender, and as an absorbable film or sponge in operative procedures.
2. An edible jelly produced from such material: When Mrs. Smart was making ham, she used gelatin with sugar in order to preserve it in clean, tightly closed jars.
2. An edible jelly produced from such material: When Mrs. Smart was making ham, she used gelatin with sugar in order to preserve it in clean, tightly closed jars.
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gel-, gela-, gelati-, gelatino-, geli-, gelo-
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(Latin: to freeze; frosting; cold; then, to congeal, and finally: gelatin)
Word Entries containing the term:
absorbable gelatin film (s) (noun)
A sterile, non-antigenic, water-insoluble gelatin film prepared from a gelatin-formaldehyde; used both as a protective and as a temporary supportive structure in surgical membrane repair.
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sorb-, sorpt- +
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absorbable gelatin sponge (s) (noun)
A sterile, absorbable, water-insoluble gelatin base sponge, used to control capillary bleeding in surgical operations.
It is left in situ (situated naturally) and is absorbed by the patient in from four to six weeks.
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sorb-, sorpt- +
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spongi-, spongio-, spong-, spongo- +
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electrolytic model, gelatin model, oil-field model, potentiometric model
1. A laboratory-model simulation of steady-state fluid flow through porous media found in a reservoir.
2. A laboratory simulation of steady-state fluid flow through porous reservoir media.
2. A laboratory simulation of steady-state fluid flow through porous reservoir media.
It depends on the mobility of ions in absorbent media (gelatin or blotter), or through a liquid (potentiometric technique which is a device used to make a precise determination of the electromotive force, or maximum output voltage, of a cell or generator by comparing it with a known voltage).
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electro-, electr-, electri-
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A sheet of gelatin, prepared to decrease or stop bleeding in surgery: Dr. Hathaway used a gelatin spong during the operation on Virginia'S wrist.
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gel-, gela-, gelati-, gelatino-, geli-, gelo-
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A preparation made of equal parts of gelatin and glycerin; a firm mass liquefying at gentle heat: Glycerogelatin is used as a vehicle for suppositories and urethral bougies.
A "bougie" (boo ZHEE, BOO zhee) is a slender cylindrical instrument of rubber, waxed silk, or other material, for introduction into the body passages, such as the urethra, anus, or other canal.
Glycerogelatin,is also defined as a suppository, particularly for insertion into the urethra.
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gel-, gela-, gelati-, gelatino-, geli-, gelo-
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glycer-, glycero- +
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glyco-, glyc- +
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