You searched for: “gel
1. Short for gelatin; a phase that is largely liquid but incapable of flow because it is held rigid by molecular chains, usually cross-linked, that pass through it.
2. A colloidal system comprising a solid and a liquid phase which exists as a solid or semisolid mass.
3. A jellylike substance used in styling hair.
This entry is located in the following unit: gel-, gela-, gelati-, gelatino-, geli-, gelo- (page 1)
gel, jell
gel (JEL) (noun)
A colorless or slightly yellow, transparent, brittle protein formed by boiling the specially prepared skin, bones, and connective tissue of animals which is used in foods, drugs, and photographic film: How many people would continue to consume gel as a desert if they knew where it came from?
jell (JEL) (verb)
To take shape or to fall into place; to crystallize: Ken said that a plan of action was able to finally jell in his mind.

Brenda added a flavored gel to the salad in hopes that it would jell in the mould so she could put it on a plate as decoration.

Word Entries at Get Words containing the term: “gel
gel-type battery, gel type battery, geltype battery
Lead-acid battery in which the electrolyte is composed of a silica gel matrix.
This entry is located in the following unit: Photovoltaic Conversion Efficiency Terms + (page 9)