You searched for: “future
1. Something that is achieved one breath or one second at a time.
2. Not what it used to be.
This entry is located in the following unit: Dictionary with a Touch of Humor (page 4)
future (s) (noun), futures (pl)
1. Time that has yet to come: William is saving money for his education in the future.
2. Events that have not yet happened: The future is being shaped by the advancing technology of the world.
3. An expected or projected state or situation: Because of Bill's accidental fall and resulting injuries to his head, his future is uncertain.
4. A prospective or expected condition; especially, one considered with regard to growth, advancement, or development: Jancy and Jerry started a business that really has no success in the future because of the economic situations that exist at the present time.
5. The tense or form of a verb used to refer to events that are going to happen or have not yet happened: Verbs that are in the tenses regarding the future for the verb "go" normally include the following: "will go", "will have gone" and "will be going". Sometimes "shall go", etc. are also used to indicate tenses in the future.
6. Commodities or stocks that are bought or sold with an agreement as to when it is to be delivered later: Trent invested in some futures that will be sold at a set price for delivery at a specified future date.
This entry is located in the following unit: futur- (page 1)
future (adjective), more future, most future
1. A reference to what is coming after the present time: Randal met a fortune teller who claimed that she could reveal his future life for the next few months.

There are people who say we cannot accurately predict future events.

When Dorene purchased her new computer, she was told to keep the instructions about how to operate it for future reference.

2. A descriptive term that indicates what someone or something will come into existence: Van met his future wife while they were at the university.

The TV program promised that there will be more future events later this evening.

Most future promises of financial gains that are made by advisors are not fulfilled.

This entry is located in the following unit: futur- (page 1)
More possibly related word entries
A unit related to: “future
(Latin > French: to be, about to be; future)
(Latin: diviner, soothsayer; a member of the college of priests in Rome, who foretold the future; in ancient Rome, a priest who foretold events by interpreting omens)
(scientist, inventor, printer, writer, patriot, and diplomat; sharing his contribution of wisdom to generations from the past, in the present, and into the future)
(Utilizing nature in the present and in the future with engineering designs)
(the English language is viewed as a ticket to the future in Mongolia and other countries)
(converting fuel into electricity for power storage)
(Latin: insect in its grub stage; from Latin larva, "mask" and by extension, "ghost", the idea being that an insect in its grub stage is merely a ghost of its future self and bears no resemblance to its future form)
(the way they were in ancient times and are in the present and potentials for the future)
(Latin: foreboding; anything perceived or happening that is believed to portend or to suggest that something is going to happen which may be a good or an evil event or circumstance in the future)
(fortune telling or paying more attention to the future than the present)
(what it is and what its future may be)
Word Entries containing the term: “future
Fuel Cells: The Future Source of Fuel Operations?
This entry is located in the following unit: Information Technology (IT): Units Listed (page 1)
future history (s) (noun), future histories (pl)
1. An expected course of events; especially, as it is presently considered: The future history that was predicted at an earlier period of time may be viewed by coming generations.
2. The present, as it may be regarded by posterity or those who come later: The expectations of future histories are based on the present and/or past times.
3. A narrative of imagined events occurring in science fiction: Many future histories often appear in fictional, self-contained, or chronological frameworks.
This entry is located in the following units: futur- (page 1) histor-, histori- + (page 1)
future perfect (s) (noun) (no plural)
A grammatical verb tense which is used to refer to actions that will be completed by a specified time later: In English, future tenses are formed with "will have" and "shall have".

An example of future perfect can be expressed as shown in the following: Ann and Loren will have gone by the time Richard and Mildred will have arrived.

This entry is located in the following unit: futur- (page 1)
postliterate future (s) (noun), postliterate futures (pl)
An expected result of visual activities taking over the world at the expense of the written media: There are some people who are concerned that our postliterate future will show a decline in our communication skills.
This entry is located in the following units: futur- (page 2) post- (page 6)
Tomorrow: one of the greatest labor saving devices from the past, to the present, and for the future.
(a natural element to help people everywhere)
Word Entries at Get Words containing the term: “future
geothermal future
Most people think the word "geothermal" means hot springs and geysers; such as, parts of Iceland or Yellowstone National Park where water is heated by the presence of magma near the surface of the earth.

The earth’s heat lies below the surface everywhere, and it is believed that it offers an untapped energy reserve of enormous potential with a very short list of drawbacks.

Some of the negative aspects of geothermal development is that it will mean more competition for scarce water, more holes in the ground, and more roads to service those holes.

This entry is located in the following unit: Geology or Related Geological Terms + (page 5)