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fumimania, fumimaniac; fumiphobia, fumiphobiac: created by John G. Robertson
The terms, capnomania, fumimania are all coined terms that mean "obsessive or uncontrollable desires or habits of smoking one or more tobacco products" (especially cigarettes, but they may include cigars, pipes, etc.) all of which also can be defined as "tobacco addictions".

They were coined by John G. Robertson in 2002 for his book: An Excess of Phobias and Manias, published in 2003, because they were unavailable in any dictionaries or other known sources to express these conditions.

The terms capno- comes from Greek and fumi- comes from Latin; both of which refer to various kinds of "smoke" or "fumes".

See the pages at this Capnomania-Fumimania, Part 1 for the poem, "The Ballad of Salvation Bill" and other pages about the problems of smoking from the past to the present.

You may see similar words (capnomania, capnomaniac, capnophobia, capnophobiac) which were also created by John Robertson at this capno- unit of words.

fumiphobia (s) (noun), fumiphobias (pl)
An intense hatred of smoking or having anyone around who is polluting the air in the immediate vicinity with tobacco smoke: Being afflicted with a fumiphobia, Mrs. Clean didn't allow her friends or acquaintances to enter her house if they were puffing on cigarettes, cigars, or pipes, and she didn't go to any restaurants or cafés where this was allowed.

See the pages at this Capnophobia-Fumiphobia, Part 1 for pages about the smoking problems in our global societies.

(Part 1 of 4: fear and hatred of tobacco smoke or being around smokers and being exposed to smoking in general)
(Part 2 of 4: fear and hatred of tobacco smoke and the efforts to restrict smoking in public places)
(Part 3 of 4: fear and hatred of tobacco smoke and the efforts being made to restrict smoking where those who don't smoke are not adversely affected by those who are smokers)
(Part 4 of 4: smoking in public and the efforts to ban, or to restrict, second-hand smoke that threatens the lives of waiters, waitresses, and innocent customers so they don't have to suffer from the discomfort and health perils presented by smokers)
Word Entries at Get Words containing the term: “fumiphobia
Capnophobia and Fumiphobia, Part 1 of 4
The fear and hatred of tobacco smoke or being around smokers and being exposed to smoking in general unit.