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front-, fronto-
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Word Entries containing the term:
frontal crash, frontal impact
An accident that involves the front end of a vehicle which is damaged.
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front-, fronto-
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frontal passage, fropa
The passage of a weather front over a specific point on the surface.
It is reflected by a change in dew point and temperature, the shift in wind direction, and a change in atmospheric pressure.
In addition, the passage of a weather front may include precipitation and clouds.
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front-, fronto-
(page 2)
frontal-temporal dementia
Any of several degenerative conditions of the frontal and anterior temporal lobes that cause personality and behavioral changes sometimes mistaken for those of Alzheimer's disease and may eventually progress to immobility and loss of speech.
There isn't the memory loss seen in Alzheimer's disease, but there is often hyperorality (the excessive placing of inedible objects into the mouth).