A frog species (Psyllophrne didactyla), discovered in Cuba in 1996, is so tiny that it can sit comfortably on a human fingernail.
Toads feed on small invertebrates or animals that don't have a backbone; such as, worms and insects.
Toads have relatively short hind legs used for hopping, and they often have swellings containing glands that secrete an irritating fluid for defense purposes and they are terrestrial or semiterrestrial in habit.
Both frogs and toads have inconsistent common meanings.
Anura is the order of amphibians that contains the frogs and the toads. Their eggs (spawn) are covered with jelly, are laid in water, and hatch into aquatic larvae (tadpoles), which undergo a rapid and extensive metamorphosis in which the tail is absorbed and the gill slits are replaced by lungs. Most frogs (for example, Rana) live in damp places or are aquatic; some are arboreal. Toads (for example, Bufo) are better adapted to drier habitats.
When Jewel and Jerry visited the zoo, they went to the ponds and lakes section and observed several frogs; later they visited the wetlands section to count the toads.
2. In antomy, a reference to the region under the tip of the tongue.