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fovea (s) (FOH vee uh), foveae (pl) (FOH vee ee)
1. A small fossa (a trench, channel, or hollow place), pit, or depression.
2. A depression on the surface of the body; such as, the axilla, or on the surface of a bone.
3. Etymology: fovea comes from Latin (akin to biber, "beaver", possibly to fodere, "to dig), a pit, especially for catching game.
2. A depression on the surface of the body; such as, the axilla, or on the surface of a bone.
The axilla is the cavity beneath the junction of the arm and the body, better known as the "armpit". The term was borrowed directly from Latin and the Romans are said to also have considered the axilla simply "the armpit".
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fove-, fovei- +
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