You searched for: “forward
foreword, forward
foreword (FOR wurd) (noun)
An introduction in a book: The foreword of a book is usually written as a short introductory essay coming before the text so readers will have a better idea about what is in the publication.
forward (FOR wurd) (adverb)
Referring to moving to the front or onward: The boy walked forward from the back of the bus.

Ursula is moving forward with the work on her book; in fact, she just completed the foreword in which she explained her interest in how people can get a better education.

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Units related to: “forward
(Latin: before, in front of, prior to, forward; used as a prefix)
(Greek > Latin: a prefix signifying before; forward, forth; for, in favor of; in front of; in place of, on behalf of; according to; as, to place before; to go before or forward, to throw forward)
(Greek: forward, further, onward; anterior)
(Greek > Latin: literally, "something thrown forward, to throw forward")
(Latin: reciprocus, turning back the same way, alternating; turning backward and forward; to give, to do, to feel, or to show in return)
(Latin: to leap, leaping; to jump, jumping; to hop, hopping; to spring forward, springing forward)
(Latin: eagerness, to be eager; to be diligent; to be pressing forward)
Word Entries containing the term: “forward
advance forward
This entry is located in the following unit: Pleonasms or Tautological Redundancies (page 1)
forward planning
This entry is located in the following unit: Pleonasms or Tautological Redundancies (page 9)