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Units related to:
(Greek: hydor, "water", plus gen, "born", "forming"; gas)
(Greek: oxys, "sharp", plus gen, "forming"; from the incorrect belief that oxygen forms acids; gas)
(Latin: to make, to do, to build, to cause, to produce; forming, shaping)
(Greek: making, producing, creating, creative, forming, formation)
(Greek > Latin: suffix; from French -aque, or directly from Latin -acus, from Greek -akos forming adjectives. This suffix was used to form names of arts and sciences in Greek and it is now generally used to form new names of sciences in English; meanings, "related to, of the nature of, pertaining to, referring to")
(Latin: suffix; forming adjectives; inclined to, given to, tendency to be, abounding in)
(Latin: suffix; state, quality, condition, or act of; forming nouns)
(the state of being enslaved to a habit or practice or to something that is psychologically or physically habit-forming, as narcotics, to such an extent that its cessation causes severe trauma)
(Latin: suffix; forming nouns and verbs; an action done; the product of or a result of some kind of material or a process of doing something)
(Latin: a suffix forming adjectives from nouns ending in -ary; a person who, a thing that; a person who is a part of something, pertaining to one's state or condition; a person who has a connection with or belief in the stated subject; a promotor of something; a native or inhabitant of someplace; someone of a certain age)
(Greek: mirror; from kat-[a], "against, back" plus op-[tos], "seen" plus the noun-forming suffix -tron)
(Latin: blind, blind gut [first part of the large intestine, forming a dilated pouch into which open the ileum, the colon, and the appendix vermiformis]; any blind pouch)
(Latin: "forming niter", or “niter producer”; because niter, a mineral properly called potassium nitrate, and contains nitrogen, a compound of nitrogen; gas)
(from Proto-Germanic -iskaz, Vulgar Latin -iscus, Italian -esco, and then French -esque: a suffix forming adjuectives and indicating "resemblance, style, manner, or distinctive character, etc., of")
(Latin: fringe or a border or edging, fringed; thin projections forming a fringe (especially around the ovarian end of the Fallopian tube); fiber)
(Latin: to fester, to form matter; forming or discharging pus)
(Latin: a suffix forming nouns from verbs of condition and action; an act or process: resumption, absorption; state or condition, redemption, exhaustion; something resulting from or otherwise related to an act or process, assumption, friction)
(Greek: blind, blindness [typhlos, blind]; denotes relationship to the cecum or the first part of the large intestine, forming a dilated pouch; also called the "blindgut" or "blind intestine" [caecum, "blind, blind gut", typhlon, cecum])
(Greek: yoke, forming pairs; joined, union; or indicating a relationship to a junction; meaning a yoke or crossbar by which two draft animals; such as, oxen could be hitched to a plow or wagon)
Word Entries containing the term:
electric forming
1. A process in which electric energy is applied to a device; such as, a semiconductor, so as to permanently change its electrical characteristics.
2. The procedure used when applying electric energy to a semiconductor or other device to permanently modify its electrical characteristics.
2. The procedure used when applying electric energy to a semiconductor or other device to permanently modify its electrical characteristics.
This entry is located in the following unit:
electro-, electr-, electri-
(page 9)