Some creatures that alsocole include the following:
- Long-nosed Spiny Anteater is bigger than the short-nosed Ant Eater and it has fewer, shorter spines that are scattered in its hairs. Range: New Guinea
- Short-nosed Spiny Anteater. Range: Australia, Tasmania, S.E. New Guinea
- South American Mouse-opossum; Range: Belize to N.W. South America, Trinidad, Tobago, Grenada
- Virginia Opossum; Range: Central America, Nicaragua
2. Something that resembles a large, dense growth of trees, as in density, quantity, or profusion: "New York is a forest of skyscrapers."
3. A defined area of land formerly set aside in England as a royal hunting ground.
4. Usually considered a learned borrowing from Late and Medieval Latin forestem silvam, the "outside woods".
The sense is generally taken to refer to "the woods lying outside the walls of a park, those that are not fenced in", from Latin foris, "outside"; literally, "out of doors", from a lost noun fora, related to foris "door", and altered from fura.
Forest originally meant "the forest depending on the king's court of justice". Middle Latin forestis derives from Latin forum, "pubic place", used in its Middle Latin sense "court of justice".
"Coniferous trees produce cones and don't lose their needle-leaves in the winter and such habitats support a diversity of animal and other plants."
2. A forest in a climate with high annual rainfall and no dry season.
"The extent of the temperate-forest habitats has been considerably diminished by people as they cut down so many trees."
"There are multitudes of important ecosystems in the tropical forests; however, they are also vulnerable to destruction by humans."