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flew, flu, flue
flew (FLOO) (verb)
The past tense of the verb "to fly", which means to have traveled through the air: The aircraft flew low over the town.
flu (FLOO) (noun)
A shortened term for "influenza", which is an intestinal or respiratory infection caused by a virus: For awhile, the subject of swine flu was a big concern throughout the world.
flue (FLOO) (noun)
1. A pipe, tube, or channel for conveying hot air, gas, steam, or fumes, as from a furnace to a chimney: The flue in Matilda's fireplace was out of order so a lot of smoke filled the room when she started a fire that evening.
2. An organ pipe sounded by means of a current of air striking a lip in the side of the pipe and causing the air within to vibrate: The flue of the organ had to be repaired first before the organist could play.
2. An organ pipe sounded by means of a current of air striking a lip in the side of the pipe and causing the air within to vibrate: The flue of the organ had to be repaired first before the organist could play.
is both affirmative and negative; sometimes the eyes have it and sometimes the nose.A chimney cleaner was telling a customer that he and his partner clean chimneys with a big blast of air called a flue shot.
Benjamin caught the flu the same evening as the flue of the chimney was blocked and the room had become smoky. He had to go to bed and from the window he watched how the airplanes flew over the trees on their way to the airport.
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Confusing Words Clarified: Group F; Homonyms, Homophones, Homographs, Synonyms, Polysemes, etc. +
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