You searched for:
1. A school of fish ("school" is a corruption of shoal [Old English sceald, meaning "shallow"] -Lipton).
2. A shoal of fish.
3. A run of fish.
4. A catch of fish.
2. A shoal of fish.
3. A run of fish.
4. A catch of fish.
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Venereal Terms: Names of Groups
(page 8)
fish, fish, fishes, phish
fish (FISH) (noun)
Aquatic vertebrates (Pisces) characterized by cold blood, fins, gills, and an elongated body: When people talk about one fish or one species of fish, both the singular and plural forms are fish.
fish (FISH) (verb)
1. To catch or to try to catch certain aquatic species: We love to fish, but not for sharks!
2. To search for something by feeling; such as, using the hand in an effort to find something: Marilyn had to fish around in her purse for her keys.
2. To search for something by feeling; such as, using the hand in an effort to find something: Marilyn had to fish around in her purse for her keys.
fishes (FISH iz) (noun)
Any of various cold-blooded aquatic vertebrates usually with scales and breathing through their gills: When the men went to catch fish in the ocean, they usually came back with several kinds of fishes.
phish (FISH) (noun)
An internet system that is used by a scammer to get a person to provide financial information and password data: People need to be aware of an e-mail that claims to be a legitimate business may be trying to phish for important personal information which can be used to steal from the individual.
A Fishy Tale
They always say the fish they caught
Last year was twice the size,
And make a big production of
Their rods and lures and flies.
They tell the tallest tales, it seems,
Straight-faced and without blinking;
It's not exactly lies, you know,
But rather fishful thinking.
Last year was twice the size,
And make a big production of
Their rods and lures and flies.
They tell the tallest tales, it seems,
Straight-faced and without blinking;
It's not exactly lies, you know,
But rather fishful thinking.
This winter I plan to relax and fish for fishes or fish on the frozen lake. I need the break because I was very stressed after receiving a phish on the internet.
Here is a man who enjoys having a variety of fish in his living room.
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Confusing Words Clarified: Group F; Homonyms, Homophones, Homographs, Synonyms, Polysemes, etc. +
(page 4)
piscicole (verb), piscicoles; piscicoled; piscicoling: fish
Living on or within fishes.
This entry is located in the following units:
-cola, -colas; -cole; -colent; -colid; -coline; -colous
(page 19)
pisci-, pisc- +
(page 1)
Units related to:
(Greek: fish)
(Latin: fish)
(Greek > Latin: dragon; a kind of serpent; snake; a kind of fish; by extension, a festering sore)
Word Entries containing the term:
cyprine: carp fish
1. Pertaining to carp fish.
2. Belonging to the carp family, Cyprinidae, that includes carps, minnows, and barbs.
2. Belonging to the carp family, Cyprinidae, that includes carps, minnows, and barbs.
They are a very large family of omnivorous or herbivorous freshwater cypriniform teleost fishes with worldwide distribution except for Australia, New Zealand, and South America.
They have bodies that are typically moderately compressed with thin lips, adipose fins are absent with about 1600 species, many are important as food-fish and used widely in pisciculture.
electric fish
Any of several fish that produce an electric shock by means of special organs; such as, the electric eel, electric ray, or the electric catfish.
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electro-, electr-, electri-
(page 9)
Paraffins: Those extensions found on the sides of fish.
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paraprosdokian, paraprosdokia
(page 5)
tuna fish
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Pleonasms or Tautological Redundancies
(page 23)