You searched for: “fire
A baptism of fire (in war as with gunfire, etc.).
This entry is located in the following unit: Venereal Terms: Names of Groups (page 8)
pyrocole (verb), pyrocoles; pyrocoled; pyrocoling: fire, burned
Thriving on ground which has recently been scorched by fire.
This entry is located in the following unit: -cola, -colas; -cole; -colent; -colid; -coline; -colous (page 21)
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Units related to: “fire
(Latin: fire)
(Latin: heat, warm; related to caust-, (fire, burn, burnt, burner))
(Greek: fire, burn, burnt, burner; from kaustikos, "capable of burning" or "burning" and kaukstos, "combustible" and from kaiein, "to burn")
(Latin: burn [fire])
(Latin: pertaining to summer; heat, fire; the ebb and flow of the sea, tide)
(Latin: fire; burn, blaze)
(Latin: fire, burn, blaze)
(Latin: hearth, fireplace; fire, flame; central point, center)
(Latin: fire, burn)
(Greek: fire, flame; inflammation)
(Greek: fire, burn, burning, heat, produced by heating, hot; and sometimes also referring to "fever as shown at this link")
(Latin: fire, burn)
(Modern Latin: named for the Greek god Prometheus, who stole fire from heaven [the sun] for mankind; radioactive metal rare earth)
(getting a "fire in the head" in order to get the flame of creativity in motion)
(Latin: to build, to erect a building; a building, a sanctuary, a temple; originally, aedes, "building a hearth" or "to build a hearth" because the fire in the hearth was the center of the home in early times since it supplied both heat and light; over time, the meaning expanded from the hearth itself to the home and building that enclosed it)
Word Entries containing the term: “fire
calibration fire (s) (noun), calibration fires (pl)
A test shooting that is intended to determine the necessary corrections for each gun or launcher of a battery to hit the intended target or targets: The calibration fire is used in order to make sure all the weapons hit the same points or that the impacts have the desired patterns.
This entry is located in the following unit: calibra-, calibr-, caliber- (page 1)
Fire and the Forge: Hephaestus, Vulcan
Greek: Hephaestus (god)
Latin: Vulcan (god)

The god of fire and of workers in metal. Symbols: anvil and forge.

This entry is located in the following unit: gods and goddesses from Greek and Latin Myths (page 1)
girasol, girasole; fire opal
1. The sunflower; literally, "turning toward the sun", from girare, "to rotate, to turn".
2. An opal with brilliant flame-like yellow, orange, and red colors.
3. An opal that reflects light in a bright luminous glow.
This entry is located in the following unit: sol-, soli-, solo- + (page 1)
hot fire
This entry is located in the following unit: Pleonasms or Tautological Redundancies (page 11)
lampyrine: fire-flies
Of or pertaining to the Lampyrinae or fire-flies.
This entry is located in the following unit: -ine (page 10)
Word Entries at Get Words containing the term: “fire
Baptism of fire (Matthew 3:11)
This entry is located in the following unit: Bible Quotations used in modern English (page 1)
Chariots of Fire (2 Kings 6:17)
This entry is located in the following unit: Bible Quotations used in modern English (page 2)
Fire and brimstone (Genesis 19:24-26)
This entry is located in the following unit: Bible Quotations used in modern English (page 2)