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“fibrous dysplasia”
fibrous dysplasia, monostotic
Fibrous dysplasia of bone involving only one bone.
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fibrous dysplasia, polyostotic
Fibrous dysplasia of bone affecting several or many bones.
When associated with melanotic pigmentation of the skin and endocrine disorders, it is known as Albright's syndrome; which is a condition of cystic bone growth that results from abnormal bone development. It may occur with bone lesions, skin pigmentation, and endocrine abnormalities.
Word Entries containing the term:
“fibrous dysplasia”
fibrous dysplasia of bone
A disease of bone marked by the thinning of the cortex and replacement of bone marrow by gritty fibrous tissue containing bony spicules (sharp-pointed pieces), producing pain, disability, and gradually increasing deformity.
Only one bone may be involved (fibrous dysplasia, monostotic) or several (fibrous dysplasia, polyostotic).