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ferment (verb), ferments; fermented; fermenting
1. To produce or to undergo a gradual chemical change in which yeast, bacteria, and enzymes change sugars into alcohol or lactic acid, a colorless, odorless acid that is formed in sour milk, etc: When Mike was visiting the winery, he learned that when grape juice ferments, it is part of the production of wine.
2. To seethe or to be disturbed by social agitation or excitement in order to promote changes: Demonstrations by union workers fermented when the company decided to reduce the number of employees, including Sharon's husband.
2. To seethe or to be disturbed by social agitation or excitement in order to promote changes: Demonstrations by union workers fermented when the company decided to reduce the number of employees, including Sharon's husband.
When a certain politician was caught taking part in drugs, the legislative members were fermenting to get him to quit and when that didn't work, they voted to reduce his power of office.
3. Etymology: from Latin, "leaven or yeast"; generally an agent that causes fermenting.
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ferment-, fermento-
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A system in which a chemical element causes an organic element to break down into simpler substances: One of the best known examples of fermenting involves the anaerobic (no free oxygen present) breakdown of sugar into alcohol.
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ferment-, fermento-
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