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Abnormal images; such as, photographs and videos circulating in publications, on the internet, TV, etc.: The distorted picture of the actor on the front cover of the scandal magazine appeared to be fauxtography.
Some fauxtography is real, while some have aspects that have been faked; so, photographs about public figures or events are especially worth cautious viewing.
As images and audio editing in fauxtography become easier for more people to use, whether for their own entertainment or to manipulate public perceptions, truth becomes increasingly elusive; so, people need to be more critical about what they see and hear.
This entry is located in the following units:
fals-, fall-
(page 3)
grapho-, graph-, -graph, -graphy, -grapher, -graphia
(page 35)
fauxtography (adjective), more fauxtography, most fauxtography
A false presentation of images for ulterior reasons involving the deceptive modification and/or the addition or omission of significant contents in a picture: The newspaper was accused of showing a fauxtography picture when it touched up the actor's missing front tooth.
This entry is located in the following unit:
fals-, fall-
(page 3)