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fantasy, fantasies
1. Imagination; especially, when extravagant and unrestrained.
2. The forming of mental images; especially, wondrous or strange fancies; imaginative conceptualizing.
3. A mental image; especially, when unreal or fantastic; vision: "She had a nightmare fantasy."
4. In psychology, an imagined or conjured up sequence fulfilling a psychological need; a daydream.
5. A supposition based on no solid foundation; a visionary idea; an illusion: "The man had dreams of Utopias and similar fantasies."
6. An ingenious or fanciful thought, design, or invention.
7. In literature, an imaginative or fanciful work; especially, one dealing with supernatural or unnatural events or characters: "Edgar Allen Poe wrote many stories about fantasies of horror.
8. Etymology: "illusory appearance", from Old French fantasie, from Latin phantasia, from Greek phantasia, "appearance, image, perception, imagination"; from phantazesthai, "picture to oneself" from phantos, "visible"; from phainesthai, "appear" in late Greek, "to imagine, have visions".
2. The forming of mental images; especially, wondrous or strange fancies; imaginative conceptualizing.
3. A mental image; especially, when unreal or fantastic; vision: "She had a nightmare fantasy."
4. In psychology, an imagined or conjured up sequence fulfilling a psychological need; a daydream.
5. A supposition based on no solid foundation; a visionary idea; an illusion: "The man had dreams of Utopias and similar fantasies."
6. An ingenious or fanciful thought, design, or invention.
7. In literature, an imaginative or fanciful work; especially, one dealing with supernatural or unnatural events or characters: "Edgar Allen Poe wrote many stories about fantasies of horror.
8. Etymology: "illusory appearance", from Old French fantasie, from Latin phantasia, from Greek phantasia, "appearance, image, perception, imagination"; from phantazesthai, "picture to oneself" from phantos, "visible"; from phainesthai, "appear" in late Greek, "to imagine, have visions".
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phant-, phanta-, phas-; -phasic, -phant
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