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expel (verb), expels; expelled, expelling
1. To force or to drive out: The military forces were able to expel the invaders.
2. To officially force someone to leave a place or an organization: The university will be expelling those students who refuse to attend their classes and to complete their assignments.
3. To push or to force something out: Jack, the patient, expelled or exhaled air from his lungs.
2. To officially force someone to leave a place or an organization: The university will be expelling those students who refuse to attend their classes and to complete their assignments.
3. To push or to force something out: Jack, the patient, expelled or exhaled air from his lungs.
This entry is located in the following units:
ex-, e-, ef-
(page 5)
pel-, -pell, -pellent, -peal
(page 2)
A unit related to:
(Latin: belch; eject, send out; expel)